Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Vision is Getting Clearer

Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keep the law, happy is he.

My frustration that I have been sharing in my past few blogs is beginning to turn into passion and concern. I am spending much time in the Word and devoting myself to prayer. Today I was able to speak to Pastor Cliff about my desire to go out into the deep and follow Christ in a deeper commitment. I shared with him my willingness to start a small group leadership training ministry. I shared with him that I would devote my time to much study on how to develop the ministry with a target date of meeting with potential leaders early in January. I feel a burden to equip people to be able to reach people in their communities by having home Bible studies and not only for unchurged people, but to have opportunities to disciple and shepherd people who are already attending church and fairly new in the faith.

I purchased a book last week on small group studies and one of the reasons it gave to start was because of the growth of the church. When Pastor Cliff first started here there were only 75 or so coming, but that has increased to around 130 or more regular attendees. As this continues to increase he will be less able to meet and shepherd those who seek spiritual care, but if we were able to have those who would like to be shepherded and discipled visit in homes, many more people would be cared for and as they begin to grow spiritually and new people began to be added to their numbers those being changed into the image of God would be multiplied and the church will become even healthier than it is today. People will be able to be taught to develop and use those gifts that God has given to each man.

The thought that comes to my mind out of the book is people building up a community so they can reach other communities. It also came to mind when Moses uncle came to him and said their are too many people for you to take care of by yourself. Appoint others to take care of hundreds, and break it down to groups of tens, and you take care of the bigger issues.

I want to become more involved in people's lives. I want to be a part of teaching truth out of the scriptures, Help them develop spiritual discipline of prayer, time spent alone with God, and to help new believers to better understand terms and words and Bible phrases that will help them better learn about the faith. As they grow in these areas perhaps Christ will lead them to disciple others. We also need to allow time for them to ask questions. Many times as long time believers, we assume everyone understands the Bible, but many have never heard. Some don't even know the main characters in the Bible. We need to pray for them, encourage them, help affirm them and walk beside them as they begin to follow walks of faith.Through these steps we will fulfill the great commission to make disciples of all nations and to follow the new commandment to love one another as Christ first loved you.

Today, I took the first step, with fear and trembling, but Christ's grace is sufficient for me.

Jesus spent three years with the 12 disciples teaching and training them in the first small group ministry, and after he left, the promised Holy Spirit continued to teach them and show them what to do.

I will close this week with a promise from Christ Himself:

John 14:12: Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.

The same Holy Spirit that taught the twelve lives in each one of us, and He will teach us what is next to come. We were bought with a price we are His and He is mine. We are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a people for God's own possession so that we may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

Help me Lord to not be ashamed of the gospel. Help me to not want to keep the good news to myself but loosen my tongue and grant me courage and strength to share it with my neighbors who are perishing and without hope.


  1. Good on ya! Small groups are SO important to a church, I wish you all the best. If you need some good small group topics or ideas, check out For just $10 a month, you get access to a tonne of resources and materials. God Bless!
