Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Preserving the Bond of Peace: Is it Possible?

Ephesians 4:1: Therefore I the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling which you have been called,

2:with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love,

3: being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

I do believe it is possible to create and maintain a bond of peace in the body of Christ. As Paul is asking the believers in the Ephesian church to walk in a manner worthy of their calling. Imploring means to earnestly request that they would walk that way. Sometimes as a believer,I find myself getting upset at times. I find myself needing to sit back and examine my thoughts and actions. If I act out and speak out against others, is it worth creating a division in the body in order to get my way. Have I lost my focus on Jesus and the mission and vision he has placed on my life and why he has placed me in this local body of believers.

Have I been humble enough to take time to listen to what my brothers and sisters in Christ are trying to show me? Am I looking at the interests of others above myself and looking at Christ's example of looking at others interests when He voluntarily gave His life that others may live and have life to the fullest? Do I have a gentle spirit when others are speaking to me? Am I patient ?Am I willing to seek a resolution or mediate with them and come up with a solution that will benefit both sides? Am I willing to love others more than myself? Am I willing to be steady and constant at working and refocusing on outcomes that if I follow the leading of the Holy Spirit that the end result will be the strengthening of the bond of peace in His church which is the bride of Christ?

The other day I was looking in a dresser drawer in one of my upstairs bedrooms and I saw some dish clothes that my Aunt had made several years ago. As I looked at two of them, one was in great shape. She liked using several bright colors and as I was looking at it carefully, and each little loop of yarn although it was different in color in several areas was it's own individual circle of yarn, but it was able to be connected with other loops that were the same color, and later in the pattern their were other places just like it, but a different color, but still joined together with strength. I pulled on the corners to see how the clothe was bonded together, and that this carefully knit item was put together to serve a purpose. She had made it during her time of illness. She was able to finish this project, even though to some people it may seem to be just a little thing she made, to her it was difficult, because not only was she ill, but she had trouble with her vision also. She was able to complete it because of her gentleness, patience, love, and diligence. She had another one that I lifted up and for some reason it had a whole in the middle, and I lifted it up and the yarn started falling apart. the circles and loops that were supposed to be held together to serve a purpose were separating from one another. This one lost it's purpose because it was not able to stay together in unity.

This illustration shows me that even though the church is composed of several ministries and several groups of people working in various ministries within the local church body, the end result should be to build Christ's kingdom and bring non-believers to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord. So I pray Lord that my greatest goal in serving you is to strengthen the bond of peace so that we will be gathered in unity and spirit so we can be effective in reaching a lost and dying world both here and throughout the world.

Ephesians 2:19 So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God's household,
20:having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone,
21: in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple of the Lord,
22,in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit.

So is it possible to maintain the bond of peace. Yes, as long as I am willing to let go of my free will and allow Christ to be the cornerstone in whatever I do.

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