Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Jewels and Gems Shining for Jesus

Isaiah 45:2:I will go before you and make the rough places smooth; I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars.
3: I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden wealth of secret places, so that you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name.

In order for precious jewels to become valuable and useful they must first be cut out, refined, and polished to become useful. Think of diamonds, pearls, rubies and other gemstones. I think of the old testament and the breastpeice that the priests wore. It was covered in the front with four rows of three gems. They were carefully crafted into shape by gifted craftsmen. Each type of stone represented one of the twelve tribes. It is kind of an illustration to us of a church body at it's best. We are made of many people, have many ideas, but how beautiful could it be if we would all learn somehow to join together in harmony together in the same place. How we could shine for Jesus and be that lighthouse on the hill that he has called us to be. I believe in my local church we are making progress in this area.

As I have spent most of my life in the church I have watched the church transform from the overly legalistic training where you went to church every Sunday morning and every Sunday night and every Wednesday night for prayer meeting and you strictly followed lots of rules and regulations. It has now transformed to almost the opposite. Now almost anything is acceptable and we as the members of the church body do our own thing and we are all supposed to be opened-minded and acceptable to any behavior. My dilemma comes when I see my brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering consequences needlessly, because choices they make that are not the best biblical decisions, but some of those same choices I also made and through some discipling that I received from loving mentors who prayed with me and helped me through these difficult times I grew in my faith. I am not sure how I can help my church family members to grow in those areas that I have grown in, because when you reach out to support them, you may be seen as being too legalistic. But I think of those stones on the breastplate and the work that went into preparing them for the garments. The cutting away of the dull unnecessary parts that will not shine. The polishing and the cleaning that goes in to it. The Word of God can cleanse us and also it will refine and renew us.

I think also of Proverbs 27:17: Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. This is talking about iron, but it reminds me of when you sharpen metal, the dullness leaves and the shininess of the metal naturally exposes itself. I am left with the question of how can I be a part of making us shine best for Jesus in the church body? How can I proceed to be a part of the desire that Christ has laid on my heart to prepare His church to be the bride that He is coming back to claim as His that we can be that unstained beautiful unwrinkled bride when He returns. I must be careful how I do it. I do not want to offend people, or act like I am holier than others. I have a burden to bring discipleship into the church where we can encourage each other and walk our walk of faith together. Where it is ok to share our weaknesses and grow in our faith.

The Apostle Paul had this same desire and stated it in his words:

Colossi ans2:1 For I want you to know how great a struggle I have on your behalf and for those who are at Laodicea, and for all those who have not personally seen my face,
2: that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God's mystery, that is Christ Himself,
3:in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

I do know that Christ does have the answer for His church today, and in Him only can we find those hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge. The things that I desperately need to transform my life to fulfill the purpose he has for me. I also think about that picture in the Bible of are lives being like running in a race. We should run as to win the prize. Only one will win first place. I am now 48 years old. If I should live to be 70 the race is more than 2/3rd's finished. If I get back in the race as to even finish it, where does Christ my coach want me to be and what does He want me to do so I can finish the race with excellence by continuing to serve Him where my leader wants me to be.

I will soon be back in the race again. I want to be one of those who crosses the finish line and into the arms of Jesus and he gives me a huge hug and says "Well done my good and faithful servant."

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Encouragement, Forgiveness, and Patience Causes God's Kingdom to be Blessed

Colossi ans 3:12 So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience;
13: bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you.
14: Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity.
15: Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.
16: Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thanksgiving in your hearts to God.
17: whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.

I have noticed over the past summer and spring as I reviewed several of my previous blogs, that several of them have been about dealing with struggles and problems I have been going through. When I first started writing on this blog, I was focused on encouraging others and thanking God for the many blessings he has given to our church and how the church was growing and people were loving each other. As I shifted and began turning my eyes and ears towards my struggles, I noticed God slowed down on the blessings and the good things that were happening here. Everything is still OK, it just slowed down. There are many scriptures in the Bible that talk about the importance of giving thanks to God. I have also stopped encouraging others and thanking others. I did not realize this until I spent several hours in prayer last evening and wondered why I am not as joyful as I had been in the beginning when everything was going good. I even got to the point where I began complaining about things not going as smoothly as I would like them to. God teaches us in His word that we need to be thankful in all things He is doing in our lives. Somewhere in the past few months, I gradually turned my eyes away from Jesus and began thinking of negative thoughts about how my life was going. I need to hold those thoughts and make them obedient to the thoughts of Christ.

I am also reminded of the story of the Israelites when they were wandering around in the wilderness, they were ungrateful and wining constantly and they ended up spending their whole lives as strangers dying in the wilderness, because they were not thankful and became disobedient to the direction of God. I am also reminded of the scripture in Romans about how sin grew worse and worse in the people until they didn't even care they were sinning and it all started with just one simple step of disobedience. They did not give thanks to God. It is just like the experience I have had with tithing. It doesn't make sense if you think with a worldly thought that giving your tithe will help you financially if you give 10% of your earnings to God, that you will be taken care of financially, but once you begin to trust Him in that area of your life and become a steward to what He has provided for you, it is amazing in the long run how things miraculously change and you are able to begin seeing your finances improve. It works that way also with praise and thanksgiving offerings that we give to God verses complaining and showing unforgiveness to others. If we would commit and submit to accomplishing things God's way, He will be faithful to fulfill what He has promised.

With this in mind, I will start by turning my eyes back to Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith. I will keep in mind that when I am encouraging others and verbally telling others the things Christ is doing in our church and the lives of others, I will be giving the glory to Him. When I am complaining and doubting and being negative, I am giving the glory to the evil one. He would like nothing better than to destroy the work of Christ and tear down the temple that God has built, with His son Jesus Christ being the cornerstone.

I pray to Jesus that he would renew my heart by making me once again, become more compassionate, kind, humble, gentle and give me lots of patience to others that I may not be in agreement with. Help me to be forgiving to those who I may not agree with. Help me to learn how to love with the love of God as I share with others. I cannot show this love on my own strength. This kind of love for others is produced by the Holy Spirit. I think I have some of this kind of love in me now, but I would like to have the wisdom and knowledge I need to show it more to others. And help me to have a thankful heart for what He is doing. Help me to realize that whatever I do, it is for the cause of Christ. Help me to return to the joy of my first love. I am thankful to you Christ for answering my prayer last night, and I repent of the sin of not being thankful to you, but returning to my free will of doubting and complaining. I look to you for the strength I need to follow your ways and think your thoughts. Help me to do your will.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Psalm 143: A Prayer for Deliverance and Guidance

On Sunday morning, I had the wonderful privilege of teaching the adult senior class. The teaching was on Psalm 143. If you would like to read it that would be good. It was an easy lesson for me to teach, because I have gone through some difficult times in the past few years so I was able to share some testimonies how God worked in my life. Although David was writing about physical people as being his enemies and they were trying to seek to destroy his life, I wasn't having many difficulties that way, but my enemies were other things going on in my life. And praise God that as I turned to him and began trusting Him in the midst of the situation, He was able to deliver me. I have changed my attitude to how I handle difficulties in my life if and when they come now. I realize He is in control, and I need His guidance and leadership.

Here are some highlights that I gleaned out of this Psalm.

Verse 1: David wants to make sure his prayer is heard so he asks God twice to hear his prayer then he asks God to give ear to his supplication. He realizes his unworthiness to go before the Almighty so he asks twice. He wants God to answer him in His righteousness. He knows that you can't gain righteousness by following the law and you can't earn it by your good deeds which to God are filthy rags. 1John has a verse that says we can become righteous when we confess our sins and we become right through the blood of Jesus Christ.

verse 2: He knows that no man is righteous not even one and asks God not to judge him, even though he knows that it is what man deserves

Verses 3-4: These verses talk about the spiritual suffering David was feeling within his soul. An example of this suffering can also be found in the example of Christ Jesus himself as he was with some of His disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane. He asked God to allow the cup of suffering to pass from Him. But it was for the purpose God had for Him that He should die. That is a lesson we can learn, even if we pray to be relieved of our suffering, sometimes God does not always answer that request. I gave an example of this which was Mary Belle who had to undergo dialysis treatments three times a week, but many of the other people who were at the center were greatly blessed by her ministry of talking, praying, sharing the word and caring for others in the midst of her trial. She turned her suffering into an opportunity to serve her Lord.

verve 5: I remember, I meditate, and I consider your works. I have learned when I go through difficulties now, how God has delivered me in the past and how he has worked in other believers lives. I meditate on His Word and look for guidance and direction and trust in His promises. I consider that He is able to deliver me, but also He is sovereign and I have to trust His will for me. Also when I do these three things, it causes me to shift my attention off of me and have closer fellowship with Him, after all if there is an answer He knows what it is.

Verse 6: I stretch out my hand to you I long for you as a parched land. I don't only want you to deliver me today, but I want to hunger and thirst for your righteousness. I want you always to lead and guide me.

Verse 7: Going into the pit represents darkness.

Verse 8: In the morning represents light is coming and in the light comes hope.

Verse 8-10: Asks for guidance in three ways. First, Teach me in the way I should walk. Everyone has a specific plan and purpose for their life. We are God's workmanship , and He is training us for when that purpose is revealed we will be able to walk in it. Second, Teach me to do your will He has sent us the guidance of His holy spirit to teach us to grow spiritually.
Third lead me. We can be led by prayer through the word, by the Holy Spirit and by letting others mentor us, and we mentoring others. When we pray for guidance, we should not stop at just asking me the way I should go, but follow up with praying teach me to do your will, because our will is usually different than His.

Verses 11-12: Here he finishes his prayer with three requests. Revive me, or strengthen me, renew my health. He wants god to deliver Him out of trouble. He also asks God to deliver him out of the power of his enemies. He says for God's sake , because he will give the glory to God for granting these three petitions. God will be fulfilling some of His promises if he will deliver him this way, therefore he will be freer to be God's servant. But we must also remember that God doesn't always answer in the way we want Him to. Remember also that in our weakness, if we will continue to serve Him, He will be made strong.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Having a Good Visit with my Sister

I have been really busy the last couple of weeks with my sister Wanda visiting. Not much time for writing. I would like to thank the church family for inviting us to your homes for visits and taking us out to eat, and the gifts some gave to Wanda. She was greatly thankful for all the financial gifts of support she had given to her during her visit. We have had a great time together this year. We usually spend a lot of time going hiking, but this year was very cold and wet. She did get several day walks in walking around town while I was at work. She was very grateful for the compliments people gave to her as she had three times she got to talk and share with many in the church body from the young people at Team Kid's club, and Sunday morning and also with the ladies Missionary team Monday night. I am not used to all this activity, so I am getting a little worn out, but enjoying myself just the same. I thank all those who took photos of the past few weeks and posted them on facebook, especially the funny photo of the small dog in a hot dog bun that was announcing the lunch following Sunday mornings service.

Tomorrow we will be meeting with Joanne, Abby, Jonah and Ben and we are heading up to Erie to see the Tom Ridge environmental Center. I invited them on Monday to join us. That night we were watching the news and they were showing a dinosaur display that will be showing during the month of October at the center. They tried to bring them to another museum, but a couple of them were so tall they wouldn't fit where they were originally going to display them. We will also be viewing a documentary film on Mysteries of the Great Lakes on the Big Green Screen which is over 40 feet tall. We may then go check out the Children's museum if we have enough time, or if the weather permits we may go to the Penninsula for a short hike. Joanne was excited to be asked to go with us, because last year the Home School Coop went there on a weekend, but they were not able to get there because of her work schedule. Then Thursday morning we will load Wanda's belongings in her car, and we are going to crash in on the senior luncheon at church and she will leave for her trip to Eastern Pennsylvania to go to a women's retreat with another church that supports her. I can't believe we are almost to the end of her visit already and we didn't get to do half of what we talked about. Thanks again to the church body for pouring out of love towards my sister.

I am looking forward to getting back to a familiar schedule again, so I can write on my blog again more regularly. I will write again next week.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

God Still Provides even When There is Lack of Provisions

1 Kings 17:1 Now Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the settlers of Gilead, said to Ahab,"As the Lord, the God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, surely there shall be neither dew nor rain these years, except by the word."
2: The word of the Lord came to him, saying,
3: "Go away from here and turn eastward, and hide yourself by the brook Cherith, which is east of Jordan.
4:it shall be that you will drink of the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to provide for you there."
5: So he went and did according to the word of the Lord, for he went and lived by the brook Cherith, which is east of Jordan.
6: The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he would drink from the brook.
7: It happened after a while that the brook dried up, because there was no rain in the land.
Later: He was sent to the home of a widow in Zarephath, and she provided him with water, and made bread for him out of the last of her oil and flour. He promised her if she would give all she had to him to eat, the Lord would continue to provide enough oil and flour to make bread until the drought was over. Every time she would use it up, when she went back and was supplied with more.

This is the story for team kid's this Thursday, and my sister Wanda will be teaching the lesson. I am so thankful that she comes home each year at this time. After the Bible lesson she will be sharing something about her life as a missionary. I am not yet sure what she will share, but I am looking forward to it.

As I was reading the lesson, it reminded me once again that in the Bible there are many places and many experiences where God provided bread, meat and water to those who put their faith and trust in Him, when there was absolutely no other way that the people could be provided for other than through God's miracles, signs and wonders. We have the Israelites getting water out of a rock and manna from heaven and the quails that were sent after they left Egypt. We have this story about Elijah and how the Lord sent him to this brook in the middle of nowhere where he could get water and ravens sending meat and bread. When that provision was gone, the Lord spoke again and instructed him to go to Zarephath, where he used up this widow's only provisions and yet the love of God and the widow's faith caused her to continue receiving a supply of food until the drought was over. We also have the miracle of the fish and bread that were fed to the large crowd gathered at the beach in the New Testament gospels and after all the people ate the crumbs that were collected were more than what was in the basket before they began feeding all those people. There are also many passages about droughts and people going through times of lacking what they needed, and several passages about rain and water refreshing people and causing things to grow properly.

I am also reminded that Christ gives us living waters and also He is the bread of life. I am beginning to trust more in the Word of God as time goes by, because it is the source of my strength, wisdom and it is living and breathing and moving in us to bring us closer to the divine purpose God has for our lives. I can do nothing without Christ. So I praise Him for His word that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. The same God who worked powerfully in these examples of people in the Bible in miraculous ways is still alive today, and I need to put my trust in Him, because He is the one who created all things and He made them out of nothing. He simply spoke the words of what He wanted to make, and they instantly came into being. His Word is able to accomplish much no wonder it is referred to as bread, meat, and water.

We need those things to survive and He has left it for us, so I need to appreciate His word, and let the Holy Spirit guide and teach me what Christ wants me to learn.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ask, Seek and Knock and You Will Begin to See Answers.

Matthew 7:7: Ask, and it will be given to you;seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
8:For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

I shared a couple of months ago my desire to build a community of believers who have stronger relationships with each other. Before camp meeting started this year , I began praying about this need Christ had placed on my heart. I began thinking about the small group Bible study that several of us at the church were involved in. We had around 15-20 people coming. It was absolutely life changing for those who came as we were able to see our faith in action and many prayers were answered and several of us put our faith into action. Many were able to see the abundant life Jesus has for us and we saw fruit being produced as we encouraged each other to walk daily with Jesus. That is what I was asking Jesus for, how to get that started again. After one of the evening services, I went to the book store at camp with some other friends. I placed my hand on a table while they looked around at other things. As I turned my head around to look at the table their was a book about starting small groups and advice on how to get started. So I asked in prayer and received the first step the book. The next step was to seek for assistance and share my vision with someone else. So I talked to Pastor Cliff about it. He told me that he was thinking about small groups, and was praying about it himself, so we have been meeting a few times recently to share ideas concerning it. In the meantime other believers in the church have been coming to me sharing ideas on how they would like to reach out to groups in the church who they feel need reached out to. Some have shared ministry ideas but our not sure how to fulfill the needs, so I am beginning to write down all these thoughts and ideas that they are telling me. It is kind of neat, because through much prayer and study and listening and support from others ,it is becoming clearer each day, that something is developing. In my past, almost all I got involved in, I tried to do it on my own, without much success, then I would become angry and walk away from it. Christ is showing me now that if I am going to allow Him to be the head of His church, I must rely on many members of His body for this plan to be successful. So I am seeking and finding answers to questions on how to develop a small group ministry and who needs the benefit of belonging in a group where relationship can happen.Pastor shared with me today that he talked to someone from the Greenville Alliance Church who he visited with last week who worked with small groups and he may be able to help us get started with advice on training and assistance in other areas. So that is the third step Knock, and it will be opened unto you.

I am reminded of the example of Joshua and Caleb who were the only two original adults who were permitted to enter the promised land. That was because they concentrated on the large fruit in the land and trusted God that He would take away all the obstacles that separated them from what was promised and what was good. I trust also that this will come about and we will see the promise of fruit being produced in due season if we don't give up. Building stronger relationships with each other will strengthen the bond of peace that Jesus wants for us. I will keep trusting Him to lead and guide those He wants to be involved in leading these groups and he will send those sheep He wants to lead to greener pastures and to quieter waters where they will find rest and they will also find life and that abundantly.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Storing Supplies for the Winter

Proverbs 6:6 Go to the ant, O sluggard, observe her ways and be wise,
7: which having no chief, officer or ruler,

8:prepares her food in the summer and gathers her provision in the harvest.

I am still enjoying reading on facebook the accounts of people finding joy in canning and freezing their produce and baked goods. Many are also making jams and jellies. I probably will not do it this year. I was amazed though, how many people my age or younger are getting involved in those activities. I kind of miss doing those things. Maybe next year, I will try some canning.

My mother and I used to spend all summer canning and freezing fruits and vegetables. She was one who would not waste anything. People would give her beets and she would can the beets, but she cut off the greens and we would freeze and eat them. They tasted like spinach. We would go for walks around town, and if she saw someone with an apple tree she would stop and ask if we could have the ones that were on the ground to make applesauce. She would share these gifts of food with her older friends during the winter. She would let them come over and pick out what they needed. She passed away in early December of 1994. That year we had the whole backroom filled to capacity with the work we had been doing all summer. We also bought a bigger freezer. We had gone to a place that sold us tons of meat Pork, beef, chickens and other meats at a special price. Some people gave us some venison to freeze. Mom got really sick in the beginning of November that winter, and she knew that she wasn't going to live much longer. She told me not to give away the food we had prepared but that I would need it to last through much of the next summer for myself. She used good wisdom just like the ants in Proverbs. The only jobs I had at the time were odd jobs that I was doing for the elderly. The food lasted until early September of the following year when I got a full-time job working at the Riverside hotel. The night before mom died she told me that she was going home for Christmas. When I got into the car to go home from visiting her, I thought about the last words she spoke to me,"I am going home!" She didn't say she was coming back to her earthly home, but she meant she was going to her heavenly home to spend eternity in heaven with Jesus." During the night her health continued to worsen. Most of my brothers and sisters were with her that day, but I was not able to be with her, later that evening she did enter that heavenly home that she was promised to receive on that day several years before when she accepted the free gift of salvation.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

How Can We Rebuild a City

Isaiah 58:9: Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; You will cry, and He will say,"here I am. If you remove the yoke from your midst, the pointing of the finger and speaking wickedness,
10:And if you give yourself to the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then your light will rise in darkness and your gloom will become like midday.
11:And the Lord will continually guide you, and satisfy your desire in scorched places, and give strength to your bones; and you will be like a watered garden,and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.
12:Those from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins; you will raise up the age -old foundations; and you will be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of the streets in which to dwell.

This morning in Sunday school, this scripture was in our classes book called Crazy Love. It was a reminder to me to stay focused on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. He who began a good work in us will be faithful to see it to it's completion. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we could ask or imagine.

So I will continue to encourage and spur others to get involved in good deeds so we will see the harvest of righteousness in due season. God is continually working in us and with us for His good pleasure so that when we reach the point of our purpose we will be able to walk into it. (My paraphrase).

The journey began when I was holding onto a root of bitterness and I could not stand it any longer so I called upon Christ. I cried out to Him when there was no other place or other people to turn to, and He heard my petition and He answered me that very day and said' "Here I am." I was trying to handle the situation in my own strength, but He reminded me that my thoughts and ways are not the same as His. My own way was to point fingers and speak wickedly of others instead of showing forgiveness to them. Because of doing things my way I was holding to my own thoughts which was creating a division in the body. Hebrews12 talks about that root of bitterness and if we allow it to grow and share it with others it will cause other believers to be defiled. So Jesus Himself taught me the power that comes with letting go and how to cultivate forgiveness.

I have given myself to feed those who are hungry. I don't mean for food (I am a terrible cook) but those who are hungry for the Word of God and try to help those who are afflicted. The more I spend time with others doing that, I have seen peoples lives change, but many times it becomes a slow process, but I am beginning to see change in peoples lives as they apply the powerful Word of God into their situations. I am seeing light beginning to pierce through the darkness. I was frustrated for a long while, but that gloom is changing into midday.

I will continue to trust the Lord to guide me and show me what is the best course to take to teach my brothers and sisters to be changed into the image of God, but I will always remember without Christ I can do nothing on my own. I must also remember that I have not reached perfection myself and on this side of glory, I never will, so I must also study the word myself so I can rightly divide the Word of truth. I also must become obedient to what the Holy Spirit is trying to instruct me to do. As I do this I will become like the watered garden and continue to be healthy, so I can be that example for others to follow. My desire for others is not to be legalistic, but that they would experience the same freedom that I have experienced in areas of my life as I have applied the scripture to my life and that I might grow as I learn from other church family members as they share their walk of faith.

As we make this commitment to work and walk together then we will become united in purpose even though we may have different ideas on how to accomplish good works, but as Pastor Cliff always reminds us let us cherish those differences, then we will grow in our knowledge which is a gift from God and we will be able to build our cities and communities as we begin building on the foundation and allow Christ to be the chief cornerstone. He will use us as an organized body to repair and restore that which the enemy has destroyed and stolen from us.

I thank Jesus for this reminder and encouragement from His Word this morning. As Paul Cobb always reminds and encourages us, keep pressing forward in the things of the Lord.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Preserving the Bond of Peace: Is it Possible?

Ephesians 4:1: Therefore I the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling which you have been called,

2:with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love,

3: being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

I do believe it is possible to create and maintain a bond of peace in the body of Christ. As Paul is asking the believers in the Ephesian church to walk in a manner worthy of their calling. Imploring means to earnestly request that they would walk that way. Sometimes as a believer,I find myself getting upset at times. I find myself needing to sit back and examine my thoughts and actions. If I act out and speak out against others, is it worth creating a division in the body in order to get my way. Have I lost my focus on Jesus and the mission and vision he has placed on my life and why he has placed me in this local body of believers.

Have I been humble enough to take time to listen to what my brothers and sisters in Christ are trying to show me? Am I looking at the interests of others above myself and looking at Christ's example of looking at others interests when He voluntarily gave His life that others may live and have life to the fullest? Do I have a gentle spirit when others are speaking to me? Am I patient ?Am I willing to seek a resolution or mediate with them and come up with a solution that will benefit both sides? Am I willing to love others more than myself? Am I willing to be steady and constant at working and refocusing on outcomes that if I follow the leading of the Holy Spirit that the end result will be the strengthening of the bond of peace in His church which is the bride of Christ?

The other day I was looking in a dresser drawer in one of my upstairs bedrooms and I saw some dish clothes that my Aunt had made several years ago. As I looked at two of them, one was in great shape. She liked using several bright colors and as I was looking at it carefully, and each little loop of yarn although it was different in color in several areas was it's own individual circle of yarn, but it was able to be connected with other loops that were the same color, and later in the pattern their were other places just like it, but a different color, but still joined together with strength. I pulled on the corners to see how the clothe was bonded together, and that this carefully knit item was put together to serve a purpose. She had made it during her time of illness. She was able to finish this project, even though to some people it may seem to be just a little thing she made, to her it was difficult, because not only was she ill, but she had trouble with her vision also. She was able to complete it because of her gentleness, patience, love, and diligence. She had another one that I lifted up and for some reason it had a whole in the middle, and I lifted it up and the yarn started falling apart. the circles and loops that were supposed to be held together to serve a purpose were separating from one another. This one lost it's purpose because it was not able to stay together in unity.

This illustration shows me that even though the church is composed of several ministries and several groups of people working in various ministries within the local church body, the end result should be to build Christ's kingdom and bring non-believers to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord. So I pray Lord that my greatest goal in serving you is to strengthen the bond of peace so that we will be gathered in unity and spirit so we can be effective in reaching a lost and dying world both here and throughout the world.

Ephesians 2:19 So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God's household,
20:having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone,
21: in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple of the Lord,
22,in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit.

So is it possible to maintain the bond of peace. Yes, as long as I am willing to let go of my free will and allow Christ to be the cornerstone in whatever I do.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Vision is Getting Clearer

Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keep the law, happy is he.

My frustration that I have been sharing in my past few blogs is beginning to turn into passion and concern. I am spending much time in the Word and devoting myself to prayer. Today I was able to speak to Pastor Cliff about my desire to go out into the deep and follow Christ in a deeper commitment. I shared with him my willingness to start a small group leadership training ministry. I shared with him that I would devote my time to much study on how to develop the ministry with a target date of meeting with potential leaders early in January. I feel a burden to equip people to be able to reach people in their communities by having home Bible studies and not only for unchurged people, but to have opportunities to disciple and shepherd people who are already attending church and fairly new in the faith.

I purchased a book last week on small group studies and one of the reasons it gave to start was because of the growth of the church. When Pastor Cliff first started here there were only 75 or so coming, but that has increased to around 130 or more regular attendees. As this continues to increase he will be less able to meet and shepherd those who seek spiritual care, but if we were able to have those who would like to be shepherded and discipled visit in homes, many more people would be cared for and as they begin to grow spiritually and new people began to be added to their numbers those being changed into the image of God would be multiplied and the church will become even healthier than it is today. People will be able to be taught to develop and use those gifts that God has given to each man.

The thought that comes to my mind out of the book is people building up a community so they can reach other communities. It also came to mind when Moses uncle came to him and said their are too many people for you to take care of by yourself. Appoint others to take care of hundreds, and break it down to groups of tens, and you take care of the bigger issues.

I want to become more involved in people's lives. I want to be a part of teaching truth out of the scriptures, Help them develop spiritual discipline of prayer, time spent alone with God, and to help new believers to better understand terms and words and Bible phrases that will help them better learn about the faith. As they grow in these areas perhaps Christ will lead them to disciple others. We also need to allow time for them to ask questions. Many times as long time believers, we assume everyone understands the Bible, but many have never heard. Some don't even know the main characters in the Bible. We need to pray for them, encourage them, help affirm them and walk beside them as they begin to follow walks of faith.Through these steps we will fulfill the great commission to make disciples of all nations and to follow the new commandment to love one another as Christ first loved you.

Today, I took the first step, with fear and trembling, but Christ's grace is sufficient for me.

Jesus spent three years with the 12 disciples teaching and training them in the first small group ministry, and after he left, the promised Holy Spirit continued to teach them and show them what to do.

I will close this week with a promise from Christ Himself:

John 14:12: Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.

The same Holy Spirit that taught the twelve lives in each one of us, and He will teach us what is next to come. We were bought with a price we are His and He is mine. We are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a people for God's own possession so that we may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

Help me Lord to not be ashamed of the gospel. Help me to not want to keep the good news to myself but loosen my tongue and grant me courage and strength to share it with my neighbors who are perishing and without hope.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Celebration Time, come on were Going to Have a good time

Tuesday night was my birthday and I had a lot of friends at church for a surprise birthday party.

It started out with several young people coming for a special art project taught by Ron Bayuzick. I want to thank Ron for giving of his time and talent and helping the night be successful. There were also several adults who shared in creating the art project. Ron seemed to be the happiest that I have seen him in a long time. I am hopeful that he will establish some sort of art program for young teens at the church or I heard that he may want to use Tom and Betsy's barn for an art studio. He is gifted as an art teacher and I will continue to pray for him that he would give that gift to advance others in expressing their creativity. After the art project we had pizza and then came the surprise the birthday cake and magic candles. I am not to good at blowing out candles so some of the young people tried to help me. It was a blast. I was also given a musical birthday card that played the song Celebration time. All those who came signed it. I asked my neighbor when they all signed it and they were doing it one at a time while we were doing our art project, and I hardly noticed anyone leaving the room. I wanted to thank you all for making the evening special for me.

Tonight is Wednesday and we are having our weekly Bible study at my neighbors house. we are studying the book of Ephesians. I recently got a book about causing small group members to be trained in growing in their faith. It has several suggestions on adding new things to your study to encourage people to grow in their faith and how to gradually get them to be disciples. Tonight I will add hymn singing and a icebreaker question. I am not sure of the question yet, but you are supposed to think of a simple one and encourage all participants to take turns answering it. During the opening prayer time, I will encourage each to pray with something they are thankful to God for. i have been having trouble to get them praying at all, so the book gives some advice how to get others started in feeling comfortable in sharing. We will also be sitting in chairs, as laying on the living room floor on the carpet was causing too many distractions. I also bought a thank you card for someone special that we will be sending it to this week, because I want them to begin learning how to reach out to others outside of ourselves . Please pray for this group as we excercise our faith to ourselves and others.

One of the eventual goals as we grow and become more comfortable is to break up into two or more healthy groups. There are a couple of other small groups meeting outside the church in others homes. My encouragement to these people is that if you feel that God has done a good work in what you are doing together in your comfortable group, begin to pray and seek out a few other couples and share that blessing with them. As these groups begin adding to their number the work of the Holy Spirit will multiply those who are being changed by the teaching of the word. A good example of how this is working is with the Wednesday night prayer groups. It was sad for many who regularly attend to see some of us leave and start two home bible study and prayer groups, but as a result we ended up not dividing but multiplying those who are now able to study and pray Wednesday nights. It also worked that way in the early church, when the church was persecuted people met in homes and shared things and met the needs of each other and had things in common. Although they were not able to meet together in one place the gospel was further spread because of the work that was being done in individual homes and as they had opportunity they met together in groups as they were able. So if you are in a small group every so often think about who would be someone new you can invite to help in the spread of friends and neighbors being discipled and cared for and they will be changed also into the image of Christlikeness.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Leading Life-changing Small Groups

This has been a very busy week for me to fit in my job responsibilities along with going to camp meeting every night. But I have been attending each night so far. The speaker is talking about developing the correct kind of attributes and character that would be most Christ-like. He is using several people out of the Old Testament and teaching us through their faults and successes how to accomplish the work of God. He is showing us that god uses those who are week in a worldly sense and how God makes them strong. There is also a missionary family who speaks each night. Their last name is Volstad and they are in Russia. Last week I wrote in my blog the discouragement I had with ministering to people who had issues involving alcohol. The missionary addressed that last night as he shared a testimony about a young man who struggles with that same problem. His family are Christian and he also has accepted Christ, but still struggles with it. In fact his doctor has warned him many times that he will die if he doesn't quit. The missionary shared that the average life expectancy in Russia is around 60, because of the abuse of alcohol. It is good to know others who are also experiencing similar struggles in their ministries. They have also been sharing the testimony of a lady who they have been descipling and she has now been trusted with some ministries in the church they have developed in Moscow. It has taken about five years for her to reach that point of ministering. It shows me that if you work with descipling people it will be frustrating and it will be a long commitment and it takes lots of love and nurturing.

I was sharing with Pastor Cliff last week some of my frustrations with ministry. At first it seemed like things were going great, but my Bible study at the neighbors house seemed like it was getting stale. It seemed like I was just going through the motions and not seeing any progress being made in me or those who are coming. Let's watch the video, pray a few sentences eat cake, go home and see you next week. I felt like I was supposed to go to the book store after camp meeting Tuesday night, and I promised Pastor Cliff that I would pray about what to do. As I started looking at the book titles I reached down and found this book Leading Life-changing small groups and it had many of the same ideas that Pastor Larry taught me when I was a part of a leadership team of small groups several years ago. We also last summer had to fill out a questionnaire for the church health group team that is an outside of the church organization that determines where a church needs to go next in order to become healthy. Through this study, it was determined that we need to develop small group Bible studies. After I began to read the advice in the book, I realized how off the course I am in leading my neighbors in this study group. I have been writing down many of the suggestions in the book. We are so off course that at this point it would be impossible to go next week and just do all the things suggested in the book, but I am praying about it, and I will plan to add something new every couple of weeks and we will gradually change and become more Christlike. One of the ideas is to pick one or two of those who are now coming and gradually train them to be leaders and gradually invite a few new people and as those leaders begin to lead the group that already exists the idea is to divide the group into two or more other groups in other homes. It is suggested that this process may take more than a year. In future blogs I will give you information about what I added to the group and keep you updated on the progress we are making. I am glad to see that Christ is so quickly giving me new hope and through the sharing of the night speaker and the missionary that reaching out to people will be difficult at times, but if we continue to be steadfast and patient we will bear fruit in due season. Continue to pray for our church that we will continue to see lives changed and that we will work on getting people placed in caring ministries and that Christ will show us unique and new ways to show love to our brothers and sisters in Christ and also those who are not yet part of His church. Pray that Christ will cause us not to spend time with just friends we feal comfortable with, but that we would get out of our comfort zones and reach out in some way to include and minister to the new families and individuals that He has sent to us that we would include them in our fellowship in a loving way.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Loving neighbors as you Love Yourself

Matthew 22:36: "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?
37: And He said to him,"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind."
38: This is the greatest and foremost commandment.
39:The second is like it, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

It has been a difficult summer for me to minister and share the word with my neighbors and friends. Many of the people I have been sharing with have had difficulties themselves or with family members who have been using alcohol. There has been many anger issues in these families, and divorces and people fighting depression and many of them have financial problems and they have problems keeping a job. I have been showing care and concern and tried to reach out to these people. Often they realize that they have a problem, but it has such a stronghold in their lives that they can't give it up.

I have spent the last couple of weeks praying about what to do about the situation. One of the prayers has been for Christ to somehow show me why people are drawn to the bar even though it is causing so much hardship in their families lives.

A couple of weeks ago two people gave me part of the answer and both shared an example of a TV show called Cheers. Paul Cobb wrote on Facebook that the bar was called Cheers and that real joy could only be found in fellowship with Christians and is only found through Christ who strengthens us and we all have a desire to belong to a fellowship, but those who seek it in a tavern will only find a counterfeit fellowship. Later that week, I went to the bank and Robin Groll handed me a printout from Christianity.com which was talking about the same thing. It also mentioned the show Cheers and that people like the fellowship they receive their, and that they can talk about anything they are doing, even if it is shocking because there it will be acceptable to most.

Later in the article it shared a testimony about a marine who accepted Christ. He used to curse severely, got drunk frequently, got into fights, was sexually active with several women, and he hated going to chapel.After he surrendered his life to Christ, he admitted that he missed that fellowship with those friends because in the church he had no one to admit his faults and struggles with, because people would judge him.

Christ wants to give that fellowship to his church. The tavern is a counterfeit or imitation, It dispenses liquor and not grace, escape from your problems and not reality. The bar becomes busy not because people enjoy alcohol and its effects, but because God put into the human heart the desire to know others and be known, to love and be loved. The church needs to become that place where people can come as they are and share their faults and still feel loved by others.

It also explains about the church in Philadelphia in Revelation which is the church of brotherly love. It explained that we need to show affectionate love to each other and it reminded us that we who have been born again have all come from the same spiritual womb. And we all have God as our heavenly Father.

Romans12:13: contributing to the needs of the saints, practising hospitality.
14: Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.
15: Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.

In the phrase contribute to the needs of others, it doesn't necessarily mean just whatever we give Sunday morning in the offering plate. There are many needs in the family of God that never get met, because we don't really get close enough to get to know each other so we don't see the needs of others. It may not always be a financial need. It may be a need of supporting others or giving of your time.

Genuine hospitality. In the article it says we should pursue hospitality. This word in Greek means kindness to strangers. Two things that are explained in the article are that hospitality should not be thought of as entertaining others. It is a good thing to invite friends or family or those who you feel comfortable with over for a party or a meal, but what Paul is challenging people to do is to come up with ways to reach out to people who are strange or unknown to us. God wants us to think about new unreached people and how we can reach out to them. We somehow need to get out of our comfort zone. I recently read a blog that Pastor Cliff's sister Kim wrote about a new church she has been going to and in the first couple of weeks she has been invited to two homes for meals and also another person invited her to their home for coffee. This is an example of the impact we can have on others by reaching out to strangers with hospitality.

Gracious Forgiveness. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. It is sometimes hard to forgive those who trespass against us, but it is required of God to do it. One of the things I exercise when I am angry at others, is that I begin to pray verses that will cause them to grow in the Lord and as I begin to do that, the focus goes to Jesus and not toward the bitterness I have towards others. I pray positive verses for them such as the ones found in the books written by the apostle Paul, that people will grow in knowledge and they would keep their thoughts on Christ, then I also pray those prayers for me. I can then watch Christ do the work of reconciliation in them and me.

Rejoice when others rejoice and weep when they weep. We need to rejoice when others are happy about things that are going on in life. I know this older person and every time someone tells her something she should be happy about with them, she almost always ends the time with a negative thought. When people cry, we should cry or feelsorrow with them. Many times as Christians we hide our sorrow or crying as though we are ashamed that we are showing weakness to others, but I am always reminded of the shortest verse in the Bible right after Lazarus died. It consists of two simple words. Jesus wept. If our shepherd cried , why are we to hide our tears and sorrow from brothers and sisters in Christ. In order to follow this example to the fullest, we need to get to know others better, especially our fellow neighbors. We can not get to know their joys or sorrows by just waving to them when we go to the mailbox. We all need someone to share these truths with and our faith should begin to move us in pursuing them. If we do not reach out to our brothers and sisters in Christ in these ways, they will look outside the church to feel the void of loneliness they are experiencing, and many will choose that Cheers atmosphere which is the counterfeit fellowship to fill that hole in their hearts.

Now we our stuck with a challenge. Where do we begin to make the difference. Let us begin right here in the church. Let it begin with us. As new people come through our doors let us not become comfortable with just us, but let us pray how we can get out of our comfort zones, and get to know the people who God has drawn to Himself. I am grateful to the Cambridge Springs Christian Missionary Alliance church family that they have made great progress in all these areas that were mentioned in this article, and I am continuing to pray how God can use me to share the good news with my community so the taverns will not have all this negative control over all these hurting families.

The article ended with this prayer that I would like to echo:

Our Father, thank you for calling us out of the world and into your family. Teach us what it means to truly love each other. We pray that your love would continue to unite us and that your Spirit would continue to break any barriers that might separate us. May we be your people with a loving purpose, Quick to reach needs, eager to reach out to strangers, help us to bless those who our enemies, rejoice with those who rejoice and help us to weep with those who weep. Fill us to overflowing with your love so the world will see Jesus in us. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Praise the Lord in all Things

Psalm 100:1: Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth.
2: Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before Him with joyful singing.
3:Know that the Lord Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
4Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name.
5: For the Lord is good; His loving kindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations.

We just received our new computer at the church yesterday and it is set up, so I am so thankful to be back writing on my blog once again. I tried doing it at other places, but sometimes their our many distractions. I feel more comfortable in a relaxed environment where it is quiet and peaceful, and people are not talking and dogs are not jumping on you while you are thinking about what to write.

This week is our annual Fireman's carnival, and true to tradition, we are having several bouts of heavy rains and stormy weather, I am planning to go down later this evening, as it is the once a year time that you can have a reunion with friends and family to catch up on things and spend time with those who plan their vacations so they can be here during this 4 day festival. One of the highlights of the event is the 18 hot-air balloons that they launch at various times in the evening and also the big parade on Saturday. I work at the Pharmacy for two hours on the evening of the parade to sell snacks and beverages. I enjoy that time to talk to people. Last year we sold almost 125 bottles of pop in that small period of time.

I chose this section of scripture about remembering to give praise and thanksgiving to God for the great things He has done. We just finished off a week with an event that was managed by various churches in our community who sent many of their members who were volunteers for the annual Vacation Bible School. It was well attended this year with over 180 young people coming on at least two of the 5-day program. There were several who made decisions to accept the salvation message. We will be having another marriage ceremony this coming Saturday morning for a couple who are sort of new to our church in the past year or so. I am so thankful for them bringing honor to Christ in making that decision. Soon we will be meeting to make plans for restarting the Team Kid's club again and also planning to get the children's bell choir along with singing and other activities, so we can once again begin allowing these young students become a part in the worship services. On the first Sunday in August we will be having a concert from the Needhams during the morning worship service. They came last year and provided us with some really great music. If you are reading this blog, and like great gospel music, plan to attend. Last week, we were blessed to here an encouraging message from Tom and Betsy Henning's son Aaron. He was encouraging us to get involved in church ministries, and he used several Biblical examples of ordinary people who God had chosen to fulfill His purposes and they were insecure and had fear, but because they believed and stepped out in faith, they were able to accomplish and fulfill the mission they were chosen for. He read a letter to us from a young man who Aaron preached the gospel to and this young man heard several of his messages, but it wasn't until about four years later that the man received and believed the free gift of salvation in Christ. He shared some other examples such as another student who came from a farming community and he was working towards a degree in architecture and how the young person went on a short term missions trip to help build simple homes for families. The young man was later given a burden to use what he had learned in his architecture classes and was able to design a beautiful orphanage overseas and he was able to go and help build it, and now he and his wife have moved there to help it operate. Aaron will soon be going there to visit his friend and see how the project is going. Isn't it great when we can see how Christ is able to select someone for a specific task and place them in the right circumstances and the right encourage rs and those who are able to equip and they end up doing great and mighty things to help build His kingdom. I thank Aaron and Amy for answering the call that Christ placed on their lives to pastor this unique college setting so this person would find and discover the mission he fulfilled. Let us also as the body of Christ continue to spur and encourage one another to perform good deeds that Christ had prepared in advance so in due time we also may be prepared to walk in them.

Continue to give praise and thanksgiving to Christ for the great things He has done and things He is doing and things He will accomplish in the future. Keep your eyes focused on Him, do not turn away to the right or the left. Let us keep our eyes on Him until He shows us His vision and purpose for us, both individually and corporately.

Well, until next week, I will be back, but for now I am off to the fair.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Faith is the Substance that Keeps us Strong to the End

Saturday was July 4th. It reminded me of the times when my mother used to prepare a recipe using cherry flavored jello and she would put diced up fresh fruit and shredded carrots and cabbage in it. It doesn't sound good, but it tasted good. She had this special pan that had a molded pattern in it. She would flip it over on a large serving tray, and the pattern would stay in the jello until the last of it was served. The secret to this happening without the jello loosing its form was a type of jello called Knox jello which you would mix with the flavored jello. It was the substance that you needed to keep it standing strong until the end.

Romans 6:17 But thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you became obedient (from the heart) to that form of doctrine which you were committed
18: and having been freed from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.

I thought about that dish mom used to make, and I began thinking about my walk with Christ. If we want to become molded and changed to the likeness of Christ, we must be committed to His form of doctrine.

2Timothy 3:2:For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy
3:unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good,
4:treacherous, wreck less, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,
5:holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power.

This suggests that with my free will, I can choose one way or the other, and both ways our the exact opposite of each other. I need something that I cannot produce on my own. It must come through Christ. I need to possess something that has substance. One time mom made this dessert, and she poured it out, and shortly afterward she noticed that it lost its shape and became a pitiful pile of goo in the middle of the tray. She later realized, she forgot to mix it with the Knox gelatin.

Hebrews 11:1; Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

If faith is what I need to stand strong in Jesus, where do I find it?

Romans 10:17: So faith comes from hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ.

I need to activate and apply what I learn out of the Word so I can stand firm in the faith.

My prayer for my brothers and sisters in Christ is this:

Hebrews 6:11: and my desire is that each one of you show the same diligence so as to realize the full assurance of hope until the end
12: so that you will not be sluggish but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherited the promises.

One of the things that has greatly blessed me and others in the church was the Team Kids Club and when we first started planning it, there was a big emphasis on that whatever the plans were for each evening that the main focus would be to remind these young people about the scripture lesson. In the beginning , we were not seeing much progress, but now many of those same children have accepted Christ, and several have acknowledged their faith by publicly being baptized. Let us continue to look at the importance of the Word and keep our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith. May we continue to see people transformed to the image of Christ as we walk into newness of life as we live out the abundant life of faith and exercise and use what we learn in the scriptures.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Taking a Walk With my Heavenly Father

Romans 8:14:For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God.
15:For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we call out, "Abba! Father!"
16:The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God,
17:and if children, heirs also, heirs of God, and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified in Him.

Sunday was a beautiful and warm sunny day. I wondered how I could celebrate Father's Day, since my father passed away when I was only ten years old. I don't remember much about my earthly father, except that he was a hard worker and he provided for the material needs of our family. He spent most of his evenings hanging around with his friends from work and he wouldn't come home until late evening. He did spend Sundays with us and we usually went on picnics, but honestly that is all I can remember.

After I got home from church, I began praying about how I could use the rest of the day. I remembered this verse out of Romans, and it gave me great joy to know that I have another Father and He chose to adopt me and I am now his. I was also reflecting on Him as being the Creator of all things. As I continued to spend time in devotions, I was also thinking about some of the comments some people at church shared with me, because I said I missed that part of being a Godly man,being a father and they encouraged me by saying that I was being a father-like figure to the five children that I have been bringing with me to the Kid's club, and also to church. God does want believers to be fathers to the fatherless. These children do have their own parents, but their parents are not interested in the things concerning God. I have adopted them in a spiritual way, just as God, who is not a respecter of persons has drawn me to follow Him.

I ended up deciding to spend the afternoon going on a hike with my Father who adopted me long ago. I enjoyed sharing with Him the things that His hands have created. I went to Land of Lakes. I was able to see a few turtles, and hear fish jump out of the water as they caught insects. I could hear the different sounds of birds singing to one another. It was neat to hear and see the breezes of the gentle wind as it passed by through the trees. I saw a field of white daisies with the fluttering of hundreds of monarch butterflies as they spread their wings to land from blossom to blossom. I came at just the ideal time of the summer, so I could view the acres of golden and bright pink water lilies floating on the many ponds. You could also smell the sweet aroma of the wild white roses that hide their vines in the tallest branches of the trees. People pass them by all year, and suddenly just at the right season of year they surprise you with their pure white color. I was also able to notice my favorite kind of wild lilies that are over six feet tall. They are red and they look like upside down bells. I usually ride my bike in the summertime, but I have decided to walk this summer, so I could enjoy those tiny glimpses of creation, that you miss as you rush by on a bike. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father and that I could share this special day with Him. All praise goes to Him. I am so glad to be a part of the family of God. I will share more next week. Until then God's grace and peace are with you my brothers and sisters in Christ. Praise Him that you have also been adopted and that you can also shout Abba! Father!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pouring Yourself out for the Sake of Others

Philippians2:1:Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion,
2:make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit intent on one purpose.
3:Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves;
4:do not merely look out for your own interests, but also the interest of others.
14:Do all things without grumbling and complaining;
15:so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world,
16:holding fast the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I will have reason to glory because I did not run in vain or toil in vain.
17:But even if I am being poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice and share my joy with you all.
18: You too, I urge you, rejoice in the same way and share your joy with me.

In many of the apostle Paul's writings he urges and challenges people to follow after his example. In this passage he is showing us that we should at times be willing to set aside our agenda and interests, so we can pour out ourselves for the sakes of others. He uses Christ dieing on the cross as the example of sacrificing His life for the sake of others. I am also reminded of the verse Pastor Cliff refers us to. I think it is found in Galations. It explains that we should die to ourselves, so we can live for Christ.

I am still working on the landscaping project here at the church. It is still not completed yet, but yesterday, I made good progress as I finished the round flower bed in front of the parking lot. As I have been working on this project, I have five people who come and speak to me regularly. At first when they would show up, I was becoming quite irritated, thinking to myself, I have all this work to do, and these people are such a nuisance and a bother to me. I sometimes would put my tools away and end up going home and trying another day. In early April I came across this portion of scripture and realized that my hobby could turn into a ministry to these people. As they continued to come, I asked them if they minded if I worked while we talked. I have become friends with them and I have learned some things about them, and ways I could minister to them and some other citizens in the community. One of them mentioned that he enjoys talking to me, because he doesn't have many friends he can talk to, so he usually ends up going to the bar, where he can speak to others ,but he always ends up getting drunk. He hates doing that and he is on a fixed income, and spends most of his money buying beer. He also has a hand that is deformed and he shared with me that last year he went fishing by himself and he fell over a steep bank and fell into French Creek and he almost drowned, because of his deformed hand he had a hard time pulling himself out of the water. He also likes to go hiking, but has trouble finding people who are willing to go with him. Another person who the community thinks and has labeled him as being useless because he is mentally retarded surprised me by letting me go to his house and seeing a large shed he built out of scrap wood and materials that he has collected from leftover materials from projects at contractor sites. He would see someone building something and they would have a pile of unusable wood and he would ask if he could take them. He also put siding and two large doors on the front of it. He also can fix lawn mower engines and repairs things. He is 50 years old now and because of people putting this label on him and the government labeling him, he has spent his life collecting disability. Could you imagine if someone who was a contractor would have poured themselves out for his interest, he could have been useful and had a good paying job. There is also an older couple who used to go to our church that I found out from another person, that they had to give up their drivers license and they may at times want to come to church, but are unable because of transportation needs. I am not sure how they feel about it, but it would be nice if someone was willing to look at their interests and offer them a ride so they can worship with us. It was a sacrifice for me to set aside my agenda, but I realize now that I really didn't have to give it up completely, but that I could reach unbelievers if I could allow them to be a part of what I was doing. I know a lot of lonely citizens in our small town who could be reached with the gospel, if we had people who were willing to give themselves to others and share those gifts and hobbies that you enjoy so much. Gardening, hunting, fishing, hiking, craft projects, etc. I wish there was a way we could connect Christians to be disciples to unreached people groups. I am not sure how to accomplish this. One thing I am thinking about is to get my fishing license, because most of these five friends would go fishing if they had someone to go with. So as for me that would be a good start. You too, I urge you in the same way, do what Paul has taught me, look at others who are lost, look at meeting their interests. Share in the joy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Jesus Anointed as High Priest?

Matthew 26:6 Now when Jesus was in Bethany, at the home of Simon the leper,
7: a woman came to Him with an alabaster vial of very costly perfume, and she poured it on His head as He reclined at the table.
8:But the disciples were indignant when they saw this, and said, "Why this waste?
9:For this perfume might have been sold for a high price and the money given to the poor."
10:But Jesus, aware of this, said to them, "Why do you bother this woman? For she has done a good deed to me.
12:For when she poured this perfume on My body, she did it to prepare Me for burial.
13:"Truly I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be spoken of in memory of her."

Last night we finished our June special event with the team Kid's club. It was a very successful endeavor, as new kids came to be taught how to make bowls out of clay. Our artist was Tom Casper and he has done an excellent job and showed great patience with the young people. I could tell he really enjoyed his time sharing his gift with them. They were all excited at the end of the evening when the old-fashioned ice cream truck rolled into the parking lot playing the old-time music on the special machine. We are planning another special art class in August hopefully using some sort of painting classes.

We are going to have a very busy schedule this summer at the Alliance church. We are beginning to send some of our youth to summer camp starting this weekend and for the next several weeks. Some of those going are new to the church and they are able to go for free. I am very thankful to the board for allowing this to happen, because without their support it would not be possible for them to go. In a couple of weeks, there will be a yard sale and also we are going to have free lunches in the front yard for those who are passing by the church and going to various homes for the annual community yard sales. We had a great time last year with this project. People could not believe that a church would just give out free food and not do it as a fundraiser. We also are scheduling another baptism at the end of June. Then another couple being married in July. These events are all opportunities for Christ to continue transforming lives.

I had an opportunity to teach again last night, and we were using biblical examples of people who became vessels of honor after they were washed by the word of God. One of them was that woman who anointed Jesus' head with the expensive perfume. In the Old Testament, there was a ceremony that was to be performed when a new High Priest began his position in which the person was anointed with oil. It is referenced in Psalm 133:2: Where Aaron was anointed with precious oil that ran down his head and beard and continued to flow down his robe. I haven't thought much about this lady who came to Jesus. It was the very last act of love that Jesus received before He faced His death on the cross. He thought greatly about this act of kindness, for He wanted people to always mention this persons testimony whenever the gospel is preached. It reminds me of the scripture where the disciples were trying to figure out which one of them was the greatest, and Jesus told them "If anyone wants to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all." She was the last to serve are Savior, and she has become first, for she shall be the one talked about when the gospel is proclaimed throughout the world. After Jesus left the earth, we know that He became the King of Kings, the Prophet and our High Priest. As the High Priest, was this women's sacrifice, to pour out and give up this treasure, an illustration to us that Jesus received His anointing, just as all His predecessors had?

AS I was thinking about her story, I was going back through my life, and wondering about anyone who gave that special touch of caring to me. I might have already shared this, but I will share it again. I was just finishing the first grade in elementary school, and I was walking home and I was very upset, because there was a very great possibility that I was going to fail first grade and I was going to have to repeat it. Why? Because I had not learned to read yet. I was in a class of about 30 students, and if you couldn't understand something, the teacher could not spend extra time with one on one teaching. As I was crossing the bridge over French Creek, there was a young lady who attended the Alliance college, which now has been since turned into a state prison. She began a discussion with me, and she shared with me how she was from the other end of Ohio and she missed being with her family and she had a brother who was my age. She was studying elementary education, so she sort of adopted me and every Saturday she would spend afternoons coming to my home and taking me to the library and tutoring me. In the time of just one summer, I was able to read and also was learning comprehension, but she continued tutoring me for four years. About four years ago, I was able to see her for about a half hour. She was the person who encouraged me also as an adult, to begin writing my thoughts down and sharing it with other people. This week I received a special blessing, because one of the posts, I recently wrote about, affected many family members of a young boy named Sammy,and I want to give all the thanks and praise to Christ, because of that special day long ago when I met that woman on the bridge, who was sent by God for such a time as this.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Are You Getting Prepared for the Wedding

Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her,
26:so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word,
27:that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.

2Timothy 2:20 Now in a large house there are not only gold and silver vessels, but also vessels of wood and of earthenware, and some to honor and some to dishonor.
21: therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.

We had an exciting week at the Cambridge Springs Alliance Church. On Saturday afternoon we had a wedding and last night we had a special summer art class and Bible lesson on pottery.

On Saturday Nancy Mealey got married to Jeff (sorry, I forgot the last name). It was a very beautiful wedding. About a week before the wedding, I was talking to Cal, Nancy's father. He was telling me about the schedule on the day of the wedding, that the ladies were going to begin getting prepared at 8 A.M. at the church for the wedding which started at 3P.M. Being typical of a man, I was thinking, wow that is a long time for preparation, but I arrived at 2:30 and the room where they were getting ready in was still closed, so they ended up using every minute of the time.

This reminded me of the first scripture passage in Ephesians. My time on earth is my preparation time as I belong to the body of Christ and we are His bride, and He may return before I perish, or He may not, but in the meantime, as I read the scriptures, or here the Word being spoken, I have an anticipation to worship Christ. What will you teach me today. What lessons can I learn that will cause me to become more Christlike as I unite myself to others who are willing to submit themselves to the washing of water, which comes from applying what we have been taught by Jesus. The more we allow the Holy Spirit to guide, lead and teach us new truths, the more we will become united to the cause of Christ, and we will continue to lose our stains and wrinkles and we will become holy and blameless on that day when he returns to receive His bride. Then we will celebrate at the wedding feast with Him, who is our redeemer.

On Tuesday night we had Tom Casper who is a pottery artist help several children and adults make items, mostly bowls that each participant could take home, after the items are fired in a couple of weeks. There were about 30 people who attended. My job was to teach the lesson. God is the potter and we are the clay. A couple of the highlights of the lesson included the story about Jesus healing the blind man when He reached into the ground and grabbed dirt and spit in it and made clay and rubbed it in the blind man's eye. The man was not healed right then, but Jesus told him first he must go to the pool and wash the dirt off His eyes. He believed the words of Jesus and was obedient to that truth and was immediately healed. That is how Christ wants to work in our lives. We hear the Word, but if we do not apply what we heard, we will not receive or be cleansed by what we were taught.

Do you want to be used by the Master? I do! In a large house there are many vessels. Some for honor, and some for dishonor. If we allow ourselves to be cleansed by the Word, we will become Sanctified, and useful, and we will be ready for every good work, which Christ has prepared in advance that we would be able to walk into the purpose He has for us.

So next time you come to church or read your Bible come prepared with an expectation that you would love to be changed this day by what you have learned by the great teacher and continue to get ready for that beautiful day when you and I will see the bridegroom face to face.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

God's water is More Valuable than man Created Water

Isaiah55:10 For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there without watering the earth and making it bear and sprout, and furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater;
11:so will My word which goes forth from my mouth; It will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.

Colossians 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.

I have been planting flowers at the church for the past couple of weeks, and we have just gone through a two week hot and dry spell. I have been watering with a garden hose using tap water. The plants have been getting wet, but they were looking kind of weak lately. In the past two days we have been getting rain from heaven, and I have noticed how the new growth has already come and new blossoms are appearing on most of the annuals. I can greatly notice the difference between the refreshment that God supplies versus that which man tries to supply.

Likewise in my own life, I have realized on my own that God's word and the wisdom that you receive from Him is much more able to meet my needs than the philosophy and advice that comes from man. Sometimes humans do give good advice that is useful, but you better lean on Christ before you make your final decision. I have been delivered from many fears I used to have. I am able to speak in public to average sized groups without panicking. I have been able to manage my finances based on scripture passages and the help of Pastor Cliff mentoring in that area. I also am beginning to enjoy that life of abundance that Christ has promised for those who follow Him. He says it we take His yoke upon us that are burdens will become lighter and I have found that to be true. I have come along way in the past couple of years, and I know there is much room for improvements, but I have learned that just as God's water is best for the earth, so His Word and His wisdom and guidance need to have priority in my life over the wisdom of man. He who the Son sets free is free indeed . Praise God for His abundant wisdom.

Monday, May 25, 2009

I come to the Garden Alone

Hebrews6:9:But, beloved, we are convinced of better things concerning you, and things that accompany salvation, though we are speaking in this way.
10: For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, in having ministered and in still ministering to the saints.
11: And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence so as to realize the full assurance of hope until the end,
12:so that you will not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

Today was Memorial Day. I thought our town ceremony started at 10 this morning, but I heard the gun salute at 9:30 in the park, so I sort of missed it this year. I did watch the National program last night on WQLN which was held in Washington D.C. It was very heartwarming as in between songs they shared stories of families with injured war vets and also stories of people who had family members who have been killed in wars.

The rest of the day today, I spent working in the church gardens. I am so thankful to my church family that they allow me to use my gift of landscaping and that they fully trust me to accomplish this huge task. I break it up in phases so it doesn't seem overbearing. I am almost to the final stage now, which is the part I enjoy the most. Arranging where the plants will be placed and what kinds to purchase. I also put the bird feeder and the bird bath out today. There have been several birds investigating, but they still are a little timid to actually eat out of the feeder yet. Last year someone had a cat in the neighborhood who would attack the birds as they came to eat. Last fall that black cat was hit by a car. So he will not be a problem anymore. I also took time to set up the water fountain in front of Pastor Cliff's window. On sunny days he enjoys opening his window and listening to the water as it flows down to each of the ceramic bowls and put that together with the voices of the various birds singing, it is so calming to rest in the beauty of God's creation. This coming Saturday we will be having our first wedding ceremony of the summer, so I am hoping to have the majority of the work finished. When your hobby is landscaping, you will understand that the work is never totally finished, but when you love it and you do it as unto the Lord, it is such a joy to yourself and others. Now I know how a painter feels when he starts out with a blank picture, and he gets to choose what colors and what designs he will use to develop a portrait that only he will know what the final result will be.

One of the things I most enjoy about doing the outside work here, is that I get to minister to people as they stop to talk and share things with me and I get to pray with them, and sometimes they end up coming here. Today I was talking to a friend of mine named Garret who is a Catholic, but he says he really doesn't always enjoy or understand what is going on with the service there. He is taking care of an older man who is the father of his landlord and this older man would like to come to church, but has trouble with stairs, so Garret said they might come next Sunday. As I have been putting much time in getting the church property prepared for the summer it reminded me of this scripture. As I am being diligent and persevering in this work, may I also have the same desire and diligence to accomplish Christ's work which directs us to the hope we have stored up for us later and actually beginning from the time we accepted Christ and that hope is eternal life. Let me not become sluggish, but continue to exercise my faith and help me to stay patient with myself and others, for in due time, I will receive that which was promised, not only for me, but for others who also put their trust in the redeemer

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Let Everything that has Breath Praise The Lord

Psalm 150:6 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!

2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.

This morning I was ministered to by a young child. His name is Sammy. Nobody knows that his worship was touching my heart. His mother gave him a makeup mirror and he began looking into it and began flipping it in his hands. As he began looking at the image in the glass, he realized that it was him he was looking at. As he kept looking at the reflection he began smiling and then it was replaced by joy and giggling. Then he laid the mirror down and began silently clapping and lifted it up again and laughed again. He placed it beside him and began clapping again. It was as if he was praising God for his very existence. I was thinking Godly thoughts about him. What a prescious gift. I wonder what plans and purposes God has for his life. He was fearfully and wonderfully made.

The gospels teach us that we should come to Christ with the simple faith of a child. The 2Corinthians passage teaches us that we are being transformed into the image of Christ from glory to glory. That means to me step by step. As I saw little Sammy looking in his mirror, I was thinking about when I look in the glass mirror at my home. May I see what this young child saw this morning, may I realize that I was made in the image of God and put my faith in knowing that He who began a good work in me will see it to completion until the day of Jesus Christ. May I also give praise to God for the very breath He gives me each morning and may I have the same joy Sammy has, just to know that I am in the Father's hands.